you just click it
You Have to have the magnifying glass when you click it
At the end of the Diamond Mine, you find the white jewel among the diamonds by using the small magnifier at the bottom right. The jewel has a triangular symbol on it. When you see it (third jewel from bottom left), you can pick it up.
the blue jewel is in Giza
At the end of the diamond mine, examine the diamonds with the small magnifier at bottom right. One of the diamonds has a small triangular symbol on it. This is the white jewel, and you can pick it up.
Hammering it out is not the solution to get the White Jewel. Click on the "jeweler's loupe" (magnifying glass) at the bottom right. The real white jewel will have a small triangular inscription, and you can pick it up.
At the end of the Diamoind Mine, the White Jewel is mixed in with some diamonds. Us the magnifier at bottom right to examine the diamonds. The Nabooti jewel has a triangular inscription marked on it.(It should be the third one from bottom left.)
The white jewel is in a pile of diamonds at the end of the cart ride in the Diamond Mine. Use the magnifier at the bottom right to examine the jewels, and one will have a triangular inscription on it. This is the White Jewel, and should be the third one from bottom left. When you see the mark, you can pick up the jewel. (see related question)
In the pile of diamonds at the end of the Diamond Mine, the White Jewel is the only one with a special triangular mark on it. Pick up the magnifying loupe at the bottom right and look at all the diamonds. The white jewel should be the third one from bottom left.
i am not allowed to go on utube so i will go on the ipod touch utube I am going to find out which white jewel it is and how to get it out! I'll tell u later Hi it's me again! i saw on youtube it is the 3rd jewel in the first column
At the conclusion of the Diamond Mines, you will find a bunch of diamonds together. One of them is the white jewel. To find out which one, use the Magnifier loupe at the bottom right of the screen. The white jewel has a triangular inscription on it, and it should be one of the three stones at lower left. When you see it, click "take" to pick it up.