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You have to have the golden watering can to have golden roses.

Get the gold watering can by having a perfect town,

crossbrees two red roses, and it will become a black rose,

don't water it until it wilts, when withered, and water it with the golden watering can.

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12y ago
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12y ago

You have to water a wilted purple rose with a golden watering can. You get the purple flower by cross-breeding two red roses and the golden watering can by maintaining a good rating on the environment for fifteen days.

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15y ago

You put a shovel in the ground, then it will grow into a tree, like burying fruit.
-Gamecube only-

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14y ago

Water a rose with a golden watering can for 5 days

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12y ago

You can get the golden rose by watering a withered black rose with a golden watering can.

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Q: How do you plant a golden tree in animal crossing?
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How do you plant a golden tree on animal crossing lets go to the city?

you can't!

Can you plant a moeny tree and get moeny on animal crossing wild world?

Yes, but you need a golden shovel.

Can the golden shovel break in Animal Crossing for GameCube?

I don't think that you can break the golden shovel on Animal Crossing GameCube. To get one, plant some money in a glowing spot. When the tree has grown it will be gold. Shake the tree and your gold shovel will come out.

What does a golden shovel do on animal crossing?

You can plant a bag of money and there will be a chance that it will grow to a money tree (look it up if you don't believe me).

What dose a golden shovel do on animal crossing?

The golden shovel allows you to plant money (bells) tree and allows you to get more money out of the money rock. Hope this helps!! :D

How do you make a money tree on animal crossing wild world?

First cut down any tree with a normal axe, then dig up the stump with a golden shovel and then plant a money bag i it.

How do you plant a tree in Animal Crossing?

make sure you have a shovel, then, plant a fruit from a tree and bury it.oryou can buy a tree from tom nook and again, plant a tree

When you try to get the golden watering can the person always says add one more tree then after you do she says take away one what do you do on animal crossing wild world?

Plant a tree and knock a tree down using a shovel and an axe.

How do you plant a money tree in animal crossing?

You have to get a golden shovel, buy two shovels bury one and change it to the next day. Dig up the hole and you should get a golden shovel next take some bells from your wallet then plant them using the golden shovel then water it every day then you will get a money tree. Hope this helped xxx

How much money do you get when you plant tree on Animal Crossing Wild World?

You don't get any money from planting a tree. However, if you have the golden shovel and some money, you can bury the bells and sprout a money tree. You get three times what you bury if you take care of the money tree properly.

How do you get to Tree Hut on Animal Crossing?

there is no such thing as a tree hut on animal crossing wild world.

How do you plant a tree in Animal Crossing Wild World?

Take the fruit of your choice, dig a hole, and drop it in using the menu. You can also plant saplings this way, as well as money trees. You'll need a golden shovel to plant money trees, however.