go to a music store that gives lessons and ask them to teach it to you
It depends on the song. If you're talking about a band song, flutes will most of the time have the melody. Otherwise, they play soft background music or are just resting.
zelda's lullaby
The flute usually plays the highest part in a woodwind quartet or quintet. In an orchestra, the strings are more important, so the flute is usually only playing part of the time, while the violins are playing most of the time. Sometimes the flute part is the melody, but once in a while it is harmony. In a Sousa march, the flutes and piccolos play an extra-high fancy part that contrasts to the melody, and it is called an obligatto.
No, you cannot play as Malon in Ocarina of Time. You only play as Link.
If you have a 3DS, you can buy Ocarina of Time 3D.
You cant play Ocarina of Time online, you'll have to buy it or download it.
yes yes i can
The Flute was developed over a long period of time-the MiddleAges! It was developed so the player could have a wider range of melody.
Well the "gold" ocarina of time can play advanced songs. (Song of Time)
Ocarina of Time was never released for PC, so most versions are likely scams or illegal.
you get the ocarina as a kid. . .you get the fairy ocarina from saria when you try to leave the forest after beating the deku tree level, the ocarina of time comes after you beat jabu jabus belly... if u need the ocarina of time head for the castle, and it will go into a screen play where kid Zelda throws it into hyrule castles moat. dive down to get it and the go play the time song in the temple of time