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Clocks are not placable items, you put them in your inventory hotbar. All they show is whether it is day or night, for times when you are underground and can't see for yourself.

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Q: How do you put down a clock in minecraft for xbox?
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How do you put down a clock minecraft creative?

You have to put it in an item frame by right clicking on it with the clock. It's the same with survival.

How do you put a clock down in Minecraft?

A clock in Minecraft is a handheld item, it can't be placed like a decorative block. However what you can do is craft an Item Frame and put that on the wall, then put the clock on the item frame. That way you then have a wall-mounted clock.

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How do you put down a clock minecraft?

You can put it in an item frame, which is made by putting one piece of leather in a square of 8 sticks in a crafting table. When you place the frame, right click the frame with the clock. While placed, the clock will still be fully functional.

How do you hang a clock up in minecraft?

use an item frame and put the clock in it, this works with any item, including maps

Why can't you put pictures down in Minecraft?

You need to put it on a wall.

Can you play minecraft on a xbox360 with out xbox live?

You could get a copy from the internet and put it on a USB stick and run it from there

Will they put the twilight forest portal in minecraft xbox?

As far as I know, not in the next 2-3 years.

How Do you eat food minecraft pocket edition?

Minecraft pocket edition does not have all the features of PC and Xbox Minecraft. There is no food.

What blocks on minecraft can you put a clock on?

You can't place clocks, instead you hold them to see the time However in newer versions you can put them in item frames