Close it. To uninstall McAfee, use the Control Panel.
Perfect Uninstaller provides you very easy ways to uninstall Remove Antivirus completely from the system without nothing left in the drives/registry.
Uninstall it from 'add or remove programs'.
Remove (an application ) from a computer. Example: I had to uninstall it.
The word uninstall is a verb: to remove a program or piece of software from a computer. Forms of the verb: uninstall, uninstalls, uninstalling, uninstalled.
To uninstall Software Version Updater: 1. Go to: Start>Control Panel>Uninstall a Program 2. Find Software Updater Version and click on Uninstall. To remove the ads on your youtube, you can download an adblocker plugin for your browser.
go on add/remove programs and click on 'uninstall'
Go to Control Panel - click on Add/Remove programs - find the program on the list and click uninstall (or remove)
start----->control pannel -----> remove ---->webwatcher or use a free uninstall tool
To uninstall Mozilla Firefox from the computer, normally you can uninstall it directly with Windows Add/Remove Programs utility as the description below ( take V 3.5.3 as an example). 1. Uninstall it with windows Add/Remove Programs utility A. Go to Start => Settings => Control Panel => Add/Remove Programs ( For windows XP) / Programs and Features (For Windows Vista) B. Find Mozilla Firefox in the dropdown list and then click Remove/Uninstall to uninstall it. C. Follow the on-screen steps when Mozilla Firefox is running the uninstall process.
simply uninstall it but when it ask you if you want to keep settings and customization say yes
If the uninstall button is not showing, you can use an uninstaller tool to help remove the program quickly and easily.