pip boy from fallout 3 made life and the universe
He's called your "Pip Boy"
Fallout 4 is the game that is published by Bethesda. The pip boy is a device in the game which is like a menu for choosing the outfits for your character ,for referring to the map of game, go through inventory and equip weapon.The pip edition of the game is different because you get a PIp Boy with the game. The pip boy can be used as a pip boy during the game. You can install your phone in that pip boy and also install the pip boy app. The app then connects to your game and the pip boy on your arm can be used as the pip boy to refer to the map or other thing i talked about. It is kind of a collectible but also can be used in game. While in normal edition you get normal game CD to install and play.
In the Pip-Boy, DR stands for Damage Resistance.
yes, if you have an xbox, hold B... ps3 hold O.. and PC hold your pip-boy button
You cant. it stays normal in zoom.
i dont know the specific name but i think its pip boy. like 80% sure on that. i mean the dude is the main sprite on the pip-boy 3000. so... i can only assume
to start go onto pip-boy find undiscovered location called baileys crossroads there should be a radio signal on pip-boy where it tells you where to go good luck!
it's a mod... don't know if it's also for xbox though
no it is covered in rubble, but it is still on your pip boy map
yh hold the pip boy button and a light should turn on