1. Go to the guy in the west side of town who sells you the basic sword, mini sword, and axe. 2. Click the item you want to sell - it should follow your mouse. 3. Move your mouse over to where the items you can buy are, and click again. It says "Do you want to sell this item?"
4. Say yes.
5. SOLD!
no clans in maldark conqueror of all worlds are not real
Brad is in the hot pits.
right click them
You have to go to a shop, then you go click on the item you want to sell and drag it to the shops screen.lastly click on an empty spot and boom!you sold an item!
right click
Conqueror of all worlds
the highest level is max
yes it is real. it is a game from Level Up!
its in cartoon network in the icon for level up
all u have 2 do is right click on the maracas
Yes it's on cartoon network