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Q: How do you send private messages on clash of clans?
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Related questions

Will other friends on facebook see your messages you send to a single friend?

No, your other friends on Facebook will not be able to see your messages that you send to a single friend. Private messages are just that - private.

If you block someone on YouTube can they still send you private messages?


Are the messages you send people on twitter private?

no because police and FBI can get into it. Also hackers.

What does it mean when you have been blocked on Howrse-by-some-one?

you will not be able to send that person private messages

How do you send a personal message to someone on

There are no personal, private messages on WikiAnswers. That is not one of the purposes of the site.

How do you send a message in private in WikiAnswers?

You cannot send a private message. If you try to send a message to anyone on WikiAnswers, there is a little caption below the place you can type in that says, "This page isn't private. Although this is for messages to [inset username here], anyone can read what's here." If you want to send a private message, you must do so through e-mail.

How do you say send messages in french?

'Send messages' in French is 'envoyer des messages'.

Can you write on someones twitter profile that you are following?

No you can't, but if that person is following you too, you can send private messages to each other.

How do you email on Twitter?

You can only send a message and that too the person who follow you. You can however send public messages using the "@" sign or if they are following you use the "D" symbol to send a private direct message.

What is ICMP used for?

to send error messages to send control messages

How do you send photos privately via Facebook?

Just get the IM and send as an attachment.

Can you send messages to other members on YouTube if you're a member?

Yes. You can private message them. Go to your inbox, compose, and select a username