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At engaged goal or Sumin a side play button will come up next to the goal press it and pay 5 lp to skip goal happy simming everyone xx

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Q: How do you skip a goal in Sims 3 freeplay?
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Where can i get sims 3 for the iPod touch free?

Go to the app store and search Freeplay then just look for the picture that says Sims FreePlay

How do you get The Sims 3 on a iPad?

There is a app on the iPad called Sims Freeplay. It is free with in-app purchases but you can't get the sims 3 on the iPad.

How do your sims get married on Sims 3 freeplay?

You can't get married but you can be partners As of the new update you can get married and have kids! First your Sims must be partners. Make sure you are higher than level ten, then complete your life goal (or if it is too expensive click on the check mark to skip it). The next life goal should be to get a Sim to propose. After proposing have the Sim 'Ask to Move In' and have Sims 'Be Romantic' to each other until they are married.

How do you vomit in sims freeplay?

To make your Sims puke in "Sims Freeplay" you need to shake your device approximately 3-4 secs. Another thing that also works is to feed your Sims rotten or spoiled food. This is 100% guaranteed to work. Try it out!

Can sims cheats work on the iPhone?

YES! There are several Sims apps for the iPhone including...The Sims 3The Sims 3 World AdventuresThe Sims 3 AmbitionsThe Sims™ MedievalThe Sims™ Freeplay

Can you download The Sims 3 to an Android tablet?

No. The Sims 3 is only avaliable on Windows or OS X. However, there is a free game called The Sims Freeplay which is exclusively for iOS and Android. Of course, it will not have that much content as The Sims 3.

How do you get sims marry in sims 3 freeplay on iPod?

I m already made them Partners and made them move together and I m in level 10

How do you skip days on sims 3 for ds?

Sorry but you cant skip days...only fast forward

Where do you get the telescope on sims freeplay?

It is impossible to buy a telescope because they don't have one. I am a big fan of the sims 3 but HATE the one on the wii because honestly.. it SUCKS!!

Is it true that if a sim on The Sims 3 is level 10 in the medical career track they can help another sim give birth?

I'm not really sure I think you can on The Sims Freeplay

How can i get a three star toilet in the sims freeplay app?

You need to level up to level 13 to unlock the 3 star toilet.

Why should you get The Sims 3 FreePlay and are there any pros and cons?

I'm pretty sure that you can't pause it. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. :)