Its simple, just press the power button briefly and it will automaticly go to the main menu. I do not have a Nintendo DSi Exel but I have a Nintendo Dsi.
Soft reset is not working because it rarely works. if you want a shiny starter, you could try AR codes, 1. pokemon modifier 2. all pokemon are shiny Or, you could just keep trying, which, i wouldn't recommend.
yes just push the format botton on the dsi settings
Yes, you can do a full reset. The new firmware won't be wiped, it's on a protected part of the DSi's memory that won't be removed if the console is reset.
Yes you can!
A Nintendo DSi can be reset in a few ways. One way it to remove the battery from the back, another way is to go into the 'settings' and restore the factory settings.
go to the wrench then go to format then click yes and thats how to reset your DSi xl
Soft reset for Pokemon Diamond is R+L+Start+Select.
they dont want to reset they can use backups.
you cant
You can downgrade at this time, you can only upgrade
1. Click "I forgot"
hold ab then select and start