For PSP... To switch sims, you first have to invite them into your tribe. to do this... 1. talk to the sim until you are friendly 2. open all of the choices (for example, talk, play, nice, etc.) and choose "special" 3. choose "ask to join tribe" You can then switch with them by... 1. holding down L and the pressing the right arrow key (>) until the sim you want to be is highlighted 2. release both buttons, and you will be in the body of that sim
Sims 2 Castaway deals with shipwrecked sims while Sims 2 just deals with sims day to day.
You can get married, have a baby, kiss, have sex, be a couple, have kids, and so much more. in sims 2 castaway you get married and you do a romantic hug. i havnt played the sims 2 castaway stories, but i know its really good. Oh and you can make a family. Basically you can do everyting in sims castaway like in castaway stories . hOPE I hELPED :]
No, there are no pirates in sims castaway.
There's no game sims castaway, just sims casaway 2.
yes, they have the sims 2 castaway for the PS2
I believe you can play Sims Castaway Stories without having to download the Sims 2 Castaway expansion pack.
the sims 2 castaway is like the sims 2 just your stuck on an island and you ethier live there or try your best to get back home. P.S. sims on PC = sims castaway stories sims on anything else= sims 2 castaway
no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC
NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.
yes in sims 2 castaway beards will grow on male characters unless you have a sewing kit that can cut your beard and normal hair which will also grow through out your playing time
You can get sims castaway on both PSP and the DS
The Sims Castaway Stories happened in 2008.