1. borrow the maximum from the loan shark
2. bet all money on dog that is 2-1, it will always win if no 2-1 then go 3-1 etc.
3. repeat step two until you have about three million that is when i stopped.
4. then hire bark Simpson at the tracks
5. then go to super camp of awesome
6. repeat step 5 until you win as long as you keep going to super camp of awesome you should not and will not lose
7. if you are out of money and you still haven't won repeat from step 1. You are guaranteed to win.
You go to racetrack and then click train dog, you have the option to either train your hound by yourself or hire a trainer. I prefer trainers, because when you train you dog by yourself. If you train your dog by yourself, you have to let your hound avoid the obstacles by jumping over them. You use the spacebar to jump. You have to be quick, or your hound will knock over the obstacles. If you get 5/15 and below your hound's stats will not increase and your hound's mood will decrease. The more obstacles your hound jumps over, the more stats it'll increase. *If you want your hound to have lots of stats. Go to camp. Go to the airport and click the camp you want. The super camp of awesome is the best!*
Once you buy food it automatically feeds it.
Yes, the Italian Greyhound dog breed is very easy to train.
I do not believe that the Addicting Games "Greyhound Tycoon" game has cheats.
no there isn't
a whippet or if you want a big one a greyhound, easy to train, intelligent calm and friendly!
Yes, the Italian Greyhound is closely related to the Greyhound dog breed.
greyhound greyhound
a greyhound eats dog food
Yes, the Italian Greyhound is an active breed of dog.
The greyhound developed in Ancient Egypt.
A Greyhound is the fastest dog ever. It is also the 4th fastest land creature.
No, the Italian Greyhound is not a large breed dog.