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U just carry on giving him gift and then one day he will say do unwanted to go to the festival wiv me

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Q: How do you trigger Elliot's heart events in harvest moon?
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How do you trigger will's black heart event on harvest moon sunshine islands?

There is no Black Heart Event for Will in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.

Nami's heart is purple but i cant trigger the heart event on harvest moon ds What do I do now?

Have you done all of Nami's heart events leading up to purple? (Which is only her black heart event)

If vaughn's purple heart event doesn't trigger how do you get it to?

Are you talking about Van from harvest moon ds cute? If you are, you can't marry him, which means no heart events. If you are talking about harvest moon ds cute then you need to be more specific about which game.

What are red heart events on harvest moon ds?

There are no Red Heart Events. Only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.

In Harvest Moon DS What are heart events?

Heart events are like Random Events but romantic. Heart Events Are mandatory to do with the person you like in order to marry them.

In harvest moon friends of mineral town are there heart events for the harvest goddess?

their are no heart event just a lot of requrments

How do you get married in Harvest moon more friends of mineral town?

You must first trigger all of your potential husband's heart events. You can look these up at You must also get him up to a red heart by giving him gifts. When he is at a red heart, and you have done all the heart events, you must purchase a blue feather from the supermarket and propose to him.

Why don't all heart events work in Harvest Moon DS?

In order to trigger a girl's heart event, you need to meet certain conditions. For example, to trigger Celia's yellow heart event, you need to have Celia at yellow heart level, and enter the blue bar between 4 and pm, but not on Wedensday. If all of these things are met, Celia's yellow heart event will occur.

Do you have to increase the LP for the heart events in harvest moon DS?

Yes, Because heart events are at different colors for a reason.

What is a heart event on harvest moon GBA?

Before you can marry your guy, you have to go through a series of Heart Events. Each event will trigger after you've raised his heart color to the proper level. You have to see all 4 of them before he'll marry you. The events will activate once you've raised his heart color to Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow.

Do the heart events on harvest moon mineral town have to be on certain days?

no they dont

How do you get marride on harvest moon ds?

u need to find 60 harvest sprites and see all heart events