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In Battlefield 3's online multiplayer mode, the player can unlock various weapons, gadgets and other items by ranking up or by completing assignments.

The Crossbow, or XBOW, is unlocked by completing the Sticks and Stones assignment. The assignment requires the player to win three rounds in the new Scavenger mode. The Crossbow can only be unlocked in the Aftermath expansion for Battlefield 3.

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15y ago

No you don't it was shown in their first trailer of theirs, but they thought that the crossbow was to far ahead of the time period they had the game set in. The only ranged weapon you get is the throwing knives.

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15y ago

to unlock the crossbow just collect every flag in the game

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Q: How do you unlock a crossbow weapon on Assassin's Creed?
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Can you get the crossbow on assassins creed?

there is no cross bow it was subed by the throwing knife.

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No, it only show it in the trailer but the game doesnt have it

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You cannot get a crossbow, though it is shown in the theatrical trailer and whatnot, it is unavailable in-game.

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i think its 15 yes its 15

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You get a crossbow. You don't get the crossbow, the crossbow was taken totally out of the game after the initial trailers were already made.

Do you have to carry around the crossbow in assassins creed brotherhood?

No Ezio carries it on his back helpful huh?

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A platinum trophy. No crossbow or anything, sorry lol.

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By solving the glyph.

Why in the clip for assassins creed you use a crossbow when you don't get one?

because you get it in number 2 and 3 and 4