how do you unlock the wresling suit in ultimate spiderman ps2
There is no cheat because the creators weren't smart enough to think of one.
u unlock Black suit at very start but there isn't any more costums sadly....iv finished it 5 times but no more costumes
No, but you can unlock a Symbiote Spiderman costume.
you can't! hahahahahaha
the only way to get all costumes is to use gameshark
You press a series of buttons in the controller setup screen
You have to defeat 50 foes with each character. But for some reason I do not know how to unlock Invisible Womans and Wolverines costume.
how can i unlock or do the moon gravity on spiderman2 for gamecube
There are no unlockable costumes in Brawl.
Go to the menu,then go to options,and then GO to controller setup and use your cheat!