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Without cheats you cannot unlock every pokemon to catch in the wild. Black and white 2 along with every other pair are designed to force people to buy both games

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Q: How do you unlock every Pokemon in black version 2?
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EASY! Catch, train, battle POKEMON! IS YOUR DESTINY!

Which city in Pokemon black version has the global trading center?

the gts is in every pc

What Pokemon can not be bred?

Basically every legendary Pokemon in every version is unbreedable

Which Pokemon are in emerald version?

every Pokemon up to deoxys

How do you create your own gym in Pokemon black version?

Buy the GameKiller DS Version off Amazon for $5. It gives you all the cheats you need for every pokemon game ( walking through walls, catching the proffessor etc)

How do you get every single pokemon in black?

Well on Pokemoncrater there are dark pokemon that you can find while walking around. When you make a file on the web, if you have the time, you can wait until you find all the pokemon in dark version.

How do you get all the Pokemon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

either you hack it or you unlock all of the areas and find every single Pokemon

How do you catch Zapdos in Pokemon Black?

to catch zapdos in pokemon black you have to have every legendary pokemon

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon Black to Pokemon HeartGold?

No :( Because Black and White version have completely new Pokemon, they are not known to Heartgold and Soulsilver and the games cannot read their data. However, you CAN get your old Pokemon from Heartgold/Soulsilver onto Black/White! :D You can TRANSFER only.If you read the booklet your Black version came with on page 13, it explains that you have to use 2 DS systems...- I'll just explain using steps.What you need:Two DS systemsPokemon Heartgold, Soulsilver, Platinum, Pearl, or DiamondPokemon Black/WhiteDS Download Play (Every system has it)PokeTransfer Lab, route 15 (Black/White version)Insert Black version into one system, Heartgold into the otherObviously turn on your systems or you won't get anywhere...Black version- use Poke Transfer (route 15)Heartgold version- DS Download PlayTalk to someone in the PokeTransfer Lab for more info on how to do it.

A cheat to get every Pokemon gold version?

Get a hobby.....

How do you find the HM fly?

It depends on the Pokemon game version. It is different every version.

Why is there a shime in Pokemon Black?

There are shiny Pokemon in every Game.