This answer is for GH5. I believe you unlock God of Rock throught the career mode in GH5. You have to unlock all of the venues, then play songs for stars to unlock the very last one. After that there is a company sponsor song called "The God of Rock's Final Test." This may unlock God of Rock. But it depends what GH version you have.
the god of rock is not on the ps2 version, hes only on the 360 & ps3.
You don't unlock him, you just buy him.
You can create him.
buy it with the money you earn
because wii has medelhead and elvas
Do you mean God of Rock? If you beat the game on any difficulty it will say you are a rock legend. Hope this answer helps
you can't unlock him you have to have a lot of money and beat the game then buy him from the store
The God of Rock and the Grim Ripper are only available/unlockable on PS3, XBox 360, and PC. Metalhead and Elroy Budvis are available/unlockable on the Wii and PS2 only.
The God of Rock can't be unlocked in the Wii version, unfortunately--probably because the game costs less than other consoles' versions.
Sorry but the God of Rock is only on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.
You have to unlock rock lee, then complete the game with every character and that should unlock him. If you have any more questionsask me on facebook as Kenny cornell
When you pre-order the game you are given a code that will unlock the rock. You can also unlock it by completing the road to wrestlemania and completing the outsider story.