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A Vault Hunter carrying a Golden Key can unlock the chest on the fast travel room on sanctuary on Borderlands 2

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Q: How do you unlock the chest on the fast travel room on sanctuary on Borderlands 2?
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You have to pre-order the special edition borderlands 2 that comes with the loot chest, not sure how much it costs and if you can pre-order it outside of gamestop. Hope this helps :D

Is there a way to get the chest in the trophy room on fable 3?

first gain like $60000000 and keep it in the sanctuary then climb the pile of gold to get the key afterwards spend all money or transfer it all to the kingdom treasury (this also boosts good morality) and unlock the chest

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The mission to kill Krom is turned in on his chest, where you collect the third part of the Vault key.

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the chest

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You don't unlock it. There's nothing in it, and you can't unlock it, anyway. If somebody does unlock it, please edit this answer. I'm curious to learn if you can unlock it.

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Follow the beginners wuests then you unlock it

How can you unlock a person's chest on a server in Minecraft?

You right click it!

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the snowman is in explore's camp in dizzywood. it is near the chest where it said"you need a key to unlock this chest".

How many borderlands 2 ultimate loot chest edition were made?

From what I hear, only 20.000 over the whole world. But don't take my word for it.

In Halo 3 you can unlock the Katana is this only equipable with the hayabusa chest plate or any other chest plate?

The Katana can only be shown on the hayabusa chest plate.