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To use a portal you right-click on the portal.

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Q: How do you use portals in World of Warcraft?
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Hacking violates the term's of use for World of Warcraft. WikiAnswers does not give answers to hacking.

In World of Warcraft if portal someone do you have to go?

No. At level 40 mages can make portals which require a regrent (Rune of Portals). The portal itself has an unlimited amount of charges but a certain time limit, meaning your whole raid group of up too 40 players can use it, The portals allow players in the same party as the mage to go through them. The mage Him/her self does not nessisarily need to go through the portal but can if he / she wishes to do so.

In World of Warcraft how do you get out of a dungeon?

One option is to walk back out through the instance portals, or to use your hearthstone. If you have used the LFG system to enter a dungeon, there will be a green orb at the bottom left of your minimap. Right-click it and you will see an option to exit the dungeon.

What character on World of Warcraft can use summon imp?

The warlock

What weapon can shaman use in World of Warcraft?

Maces and Axes

How many gigabytes does World of Warcraft use on the hard-drive?

I'm assuming you mean "How many Gigabytes does World of Warcraft use or take up?" The answer is approximately 17.5GB. That is the size of my file atleast.