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Q: How do you use scorpions chains from mortal kombat?
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How do you pick up weapon in mortal kombat in Nintendo 64?

In Mortal Kombat you can only use the weapon your character is equipped with.

How do you get ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on xbox 360?

It use to be on Xbox live, but when midway closed down they took it off. But, They officially announced the mortal kombat arcade kollection, which will include; Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate mortal kombat 3. Its supposed to come out late summer for 800 Microsoft points( 10 dollars)

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How do you use Costumes in Mortal Kombat 9?

Press START on your controller.

What mortal kombat games can you use shao kahn?

I think Deception & Armageddon.

Where can one purchase the Mortal Kombat movie anthology from?

The Mortal Kombat anthology can probably be bought in various states of pre-use on Ebay. If you are looking to buy new, it is available to purchase from both I Offer and CD Universe websites.

Can you get pulse blade Mortal Kombat armaggedon?

Actually, Cyrax and Sektor already have them. Or you can use the in Kreate a Character

How do use Breaker in Mortal Kombat 9?

Fill 2/3 of your meter and press R2 or RT when your opponent attacks you

How do keep the sorwd in the stomatch in Mortal Kombat deadly alliance?

you use the black round button next to the white on your controller

Why did raiden from Mortal Kombat become evil?

Raiden from Mortal Kombat has not become evil. Raiden had simply grown impatient and frustrated with mankind's habit of putting Earthrealm in danger of which he is charged to protect. This meant he became more willing to use extreme measures to protect Earthrealm.

If everyone in Mortal Kombat fuse into the ultimate powerful warrior who can he beat in dragon ball z and explain why?

Mk could beat the human dbz characters but not the saiyans or the giant's because dbz can fool mortal kombat plus goku can just use the large spirit bomb and kill them all.

How do you unlock the versus mode on Mortal Kombat armageddon on ps2?

Plug in an extra controller and have someone else use it. Now that wasn't to hard, was it?