nowhere is a good site for this.
You have to use the Action Replay DS/DSi Code Manager, which you can install from the disc you get with the Action Replay DS/DSi. To add a game, enter the chip into the Action Replay DS/DSi and turn your DS/DSi on. The chip will tell you it's gamer ID and ask you to give the game a name. If the game has existing codes saved on the chip, it will automatically recognize the game. You can enter cheats using your DS/DSi, or you can use the Code Manager to enter new codes. Remember, using the Code Manager is faster because you can simply Cut/Paste the code.
Just insert the game in the Action Replay DSi. Choose the codes you want or go to the option of adding a new code. You can use the Action Replay DSi Code Manager to insert new codes faster and manage existing codes. You can download it from a disc included with the Action Replay DSi or download it from the online website(aka SoulSilver should be recognized by your Action Replay DSi when you go into the 'Codes' menu option.
You don't, its broken permanently
you need to open the code manager and delete all the games on there exept the ones you have
no i dont know where to downlaod it at
you put your game in the action replay then put it in your ds, dsi, or dsi XL
An Action Replay DSi should already have the complete Pokédex code for diamond and pearl already built in.
no you cant I have an action replay dsi and the hacked codes of others have worked on my game, although I don't know where the code was made from.
It depends what code you want.