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The Lunar Forge is just like any other forge where you can craft weapons, although, while you are at the Lunar Forge, there are a few weapons laying about with Lunar enchantments and look for a book explaining what they are. You can take any of these "silent moon" enchanted weapons to an enchanting table and disenchant them to learn the ability.

Silent Moons enchantments on weapons make them much more powerful during the night time, from around 10 pm to 4 am. This, combined with a high dual weapon skill and highly honed weapons make them very damaging. This enchantment also works while indoors at night time.

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Q: How do you use the lunar forge in skyrim?
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MC Forge will always use its latest version. Therefore, backup your Minecraft and install your second Forge. Forge will use its latest version.

Can you use forge and modloader at the same time?

Yes. But you need to do this in good way- first instal forge, then modloader. (or modloader-->forge)

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