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I use the A and S keys.

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Q: How do you use the motion sensor on Yoshi's Universal Gravitation on the Visual Boy Advance emulator?
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How do you trade Pokemon on the emulator?

you cannot trade on the visual boy advance emulator.

Where you can download Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for visual boy advance for free?

visual boy advance is the wrong emulator go to and download a dslite emulator

Will an LSDJ rom ruin your visual boy advance emulator?


Where can you get a good emulator?

if you mean a gba emulator (gba = gameboy advance ) the best 1 is vba (visual boy advance) and you can get rom's for it on

What is vba emulator?

VBA stands for Visual Boy Advance. The VBA emulator essentially mimics the gameboy advance platform for use on a pc.

Is the emulator Visual Boy Advance free to download or do you have to pay for it?

Visualboy advance is totally free.

What emulator do you need to play Pokemon rijon adventures?

Visual Boy Advance?

What is a VBA?

visual basic for applications ---------- Alternately, VBA, or Visual Boy Advance, is a Game Boy Advance emulator for most computer operating systems.

Is there a way to load GBA roms on the dolphin Emulator?

No because the Dolphin Emulator is for Gamecube and Wii games. With a hacked Wii/Gamecube you can load up a homebrew emulator which is the VBAGX which is essentially no different than the Visual Boy Advance emulator for PC/Mac. If you want to load GBA roms download the Visual Boy Advance emulator.

My visual boy advance doesn't work with roms that are not from the place I took it from. Where can I find an emulator that works with any ROM?

Visual Boy Advance:

How do you open GBA files on a PC?

You open and play them in an emulator. The best GBA emulator is Visual Boy Advance.

Can you cheat on visual boy advance?

No. This specific emulator doesn't have any cheats for their games.