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Just left-click both of them and you will equip both.

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Q: How do you wield the sword and shield in the tutorial in runescape?
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How do equip a dagger and a sword at the same time on aqw?

You cannot, you can equip a dual wield weapon, or a sword and shield, which is still a dual wield weapon. You cannot equip a dagger and a sword at the same time though, unless of course it is a dual wield wield weapon. (One bag slot)

How do you wield a fox on RuneScape?

You can't wield a fox on RuneScape... LOL never dude

Do you yield a sword or do you wield a sword?

You can do both.

Charmed-Wyatt is destined to wield which mythical sword?

Wyatt is destined to wield the powerful sword Excalibur

How do you use wepions in RuneScape?

If you have played the tutorial on runescape, you learn how to attack with weapons. Wield the weapon by clicking on it, then proceed to attack a monster or player. Many weapons have requirements such as the Dragon Scimitar Which Requires 60 attack and the completion of the quest, Monkey Madness.

How do you use wield in a sentence?

If you're a Ninja, then you obviously know how to wield a sword. The general wielded his sword as he got ready for fighting.

What is a 2h sowrd it is a sowrd on runescape that is slow but strong.?

the 2h swords are yes slow but i cant say any 2h is fast but the god sword is slow but very powerful and the saradomin sword is fast and average strength it is like a whip but with a special attack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2h swords are pretty good only they are slow and u cant wield a shield with so i give them 7.6/10

How do you wield a dye in RuneScape?

you cant you can only have it in your inventory

What is the best weapon in runescape non mem?

Ranging: Problaby Maple Bow with rune arrows Magic: Fire staff maybe Melee: definetly Rune 2h sword (disadvantage: it is the slowest rune weapon for F2P and you can't wield a shield with it). Instead I would recommend Rune Scimitar with the Rune Kiteshield (regular), (g) (t) or Rune Shield (h1) (h2) (h3) (h4) (h5)

Runescape What is that new rally blue shiny sword you see everyone wielding?

It could be one of two swords on Free to play Runescape. 1) A training sword. This sword is one of Runescapes worst swords and can be obtained for free from the Melee tutor in Lumbridge. 2) A Burite Sword. Roughly equivalent to a steel longsword, this sword is obtained during the Knight's Sword Quest, by making 2 swords, not one. Neither sword is very powerful unless you are a defensive pure in which case the Burite Sword is the best sword you can wield. Hope I helped!