Unfortunately, the ability to travel back in time is not currently possible. It is unknown to us what time travel requires, be it speed, distance, location, or what is capable of making the trip, if such a trip is even possible.
Faster than the speed of light, in theory.
im thinkin you need to go hyperspeed
Time travel isn't possible.
In theory, to travel back in time, you would need to exceed the speed of light, which is not currently possible based on our understanding of physics. Time travel into the past is still considered a concept mostly explored in science fiction rather than reality.
Time travel is physically impossible at the time, although, technically speaking, it is possible. But yes, it probably wouldn't be safe for kids to go back in time.
bobcats travel fast,but they only go up to 57 m.p.h.
First of all, you have to travel faster than the speed of light, not sound, to go back in time. No aircraft can go that fast, or any other vehicle for that matter. At least, not yet. Second, it doesn't matter which way you're pointing, you just have to go faster than the speed of light.
Who wouldn't want to time travel?! See: Doctor Who.
Go back to the lab.
No, but because time and speed are relative the closer we get to the speed of light the more time slows down.
because you have to go faster than the speed of light to travel in space and since light is the fastest thing in the universe, you are technically going back in time