Unless you cheat to make a shiny Mudkip, the shiny appearance rate is 1 in 8192. You will be restarting the game for quite a while if you are determined to obtain a shiny Mudkip as your starter.
In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, there is only one possible way for another trainer to have a Mudkip. In the beginning of the game, you have the option to choose one starter Pokemon. If you choose Torchic, your rival will choose Mudkip. Your rival will always take the Pokemon that is elementally superior to yours. You choose Treecko - They choose Torchic You choose Mudkip - They choose Treecko You choose Torchic - They choose Mudkip
Its The Best To Start With. So take my advice. You'll get far with mudkip
500 minutes
Just keep searching for them. Any Pokemon can be shiny but there's only a 0.0122% chance of finding one. It will take a long time to find one; keep trying though, and good luck!
save rigt before u choose the Pokemon.select it,battle,and if it isn't a shiny,cut the game off and turn it riht back on and try again. this will take a while so the most important thing to have is patience.
To get mudkips, you need to go out and buy a Pokemon sapphire, emerald, or ruby, then pick mudkip as your starter, then put your mudkip in a PC, (as well as 6 other Pokemon which you need) save and turn off your DS/gamebohy Now take out your DS and put your GBA game in one side, and your DS game in the other. Go to migrate Pokemon in the screen that pops up before you start playing, and pick mudkip. now go to the pal park, which you get for beating the game, and catch mudkip!
Getting a shiny Pokemon is dependent on luck. The chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192, so it may take a long time to get a shiny Abra.
1 out of 8,000 chances you will see a shiny if it takes 8,000 chances for you to actually see a shiny Pokemon it will take you a dedicated 120 hours.
You can get a shiny Squirtle. The most reliable way to get a shiny Squirtle is to repeatedly hatch Squirtle eggs. This process will take a long time however and could take hundreds and hundreds of eggs.
There is no specific amount of time you need to spend to get a shiny. The time it takes is, like shinys, random.
im not sure but they take a LONG time
Between 1-4 Minutes.