There are really 3722 even go to and see for yourself. Skip to the end and you will see the 100% and the number of notes hit.
Probably Jorand or Through The Fire And Flames
If you look on youtube and search "Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert 100%!", you will find that one person has completed it 100%, in both bot and normal. If you just search through the fire and the flames on expert, alot of people have.
Through the Fire & Flames
The 5-star cutoff for Through the Fire and Flames on Expert is 566,538.
Through the Fire and Flames.
I did
It matters what level ur on but if you are on expert your SCREWED
the score is 989,896 and i scored it on expert called Through The Fire and Flames If you cannot do the song on expert on guitar hero. Don't bother.
Easiest is: Intro - defdefgeafgefdca(repeat 3x) Post Insanity - fdfdfdfdfdfdadadadadadadgdgdgdgdgdg... basically
Green, yellow, and orange. It shows up only on expert in 'Through the Fire and Flames' and in Tom Morrelo's Battle.
No, Through The Fire And The Flames is not on GH5. It is on III, and smash hits however.