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You have to have fast reflexes for this . U need to catch the red-eyed snake 3 times

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Q: How many times do you have to catch the red-eyed snake on poptropica?
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How do you catch red eye snakes?

Well you have to catch the snake 3 times. Try staying at the same hole and you might be lucky to catch the snake on Poptropica!

How do you pass the snake part in poptropica?

Click on the red-eyed snake 3 times.

What snake do you have to catch in Mythology Island?

You get the snake with the red eyes 3 times

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you go into the labrinth and find Pan and take away six bones to spell the word ten then you catch the red eyed snake three times and he will give it to you

How do you catch the red snake in Mythology Island?

It takes a lot of tolerance. Sometimes it depends on if you move your mouse fast enough; other times you could catch it by chance. One thing's for sure- there is no actual way to catch the red eyed snake. Just keep trying until you succeed! - Silver Fang, current member of Poptropica

How many times do you catch the red eyed snake on Mythology Island?

3 times

What is the answer to this the red eyed snake now holds your fate catch her trice to raise the gate?

catch the red-eyed snake enough times to open the gate

How do you beat the snake game in the minotaur caveon poptropica?

You have to quickly click the snake with red eyes three times and the door will open to go forward.

What to do on mythogly on poptropica to beat the minotaur?

You go through the maze to the ten bone thing and leave the word ten. On the red snake you click the red snake three times.

What is the snakes thrice on poptropica?

You have to hit the head of the red eyed snake three times. Then a gate opens and you can pass through.

What do you get after you catch the kappa on poptropica?

sadly, you dont get ANYTHING! i've played this 10 times over; it's not a glitch

Do you have to catch the red eyed snake?

stay in one spot then click as fast as you can or just randomly click everywhere i beat it easy catch it three times to raise the gate