he cant, but he can be in the air for short times doing a body slam. for how to do that, search how to press the big pink buttons in bowsers inside story
If your talking about how to fight the shroobs then this is your answer. Square 2 times circle 1 time triangle 3 times then door. Do it in that order.
In this order: square 2 times, circle 1 time, triangle 3 times, then door. Once again that order.
you hit the square 2 times, then hit the triangle 1 time, then hit the circle 3 times then hit the door.
Use your strongest special as many times as possible while dodging and blocking their attacks. If you start to get hurt, eat mushrooms to heal. If you go low on SP, then use whatever item you have that restores SP.
Simple. Just talk to him and then just tap the carrots three times each as fast as you can. There are about 5 or 4 rounds. If times run out and you didnt make it, you give up or try again. To help you there are blue buttons in some carrots. Press them and it will help you. 2 in each round. Also before that, take the turtioral to show you how.
There is no easy way to find an exact number. However, these steps will help: 1. Make sure luigi gets all the food 2. Mash A as quickly as you can 3. Press B as soon as luigi gets to the top - hesitating will guarantee that you don't get an excellent.
to answer the code you need to look for secret notes. the secret notes are all around the fiery spot. the code is :square, circle ,triangle then door... square 2 times first, then O 1 time then triangle 3 times and finally door. But you need to find the 4 secret notes first and you need to beat Chakron with the snack basket move winch can be found in Dimble Woods.
First of all, there are not just 4. It depends on how many "copied" versions of the characters you killed already. You just have to kill as many copied people as possible. It appeared at different times for me.
The word "story" is in the King James Version of the Bible 2 times. It is in 2 verses.
Hit the buttons in this order: Square hit twice, circle hit once, and the triangle hit three times.
You beat the Sea Pipe Statue when you vacuum it 3 times and spit the stone blooper out.But you lose HP.