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$75-$120 :)

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Q: How much could you sell a PlayStation 3 dual shock controller to gamestop for?
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How much would gamestop give you for an PS3 controller?

It would demand on what they could sell the model for or if they could sell your model controller of it was not a dual shock 3

Can you play PlayStation move heroes without PlayStation move controller?

No the game requires the Playstation Move controller and Playstation Eye Camera, but you can use the Dual Shock 3 controller instead of the move navigational controller

Can use a usb cable to charge your PlayStation move controller?

You can use the USB cable that came with the PS3 for charging the Dual Shock controller to also charge the Move controller. However the Dual shock controller could charge while you played and the Move controller is not supposed to be plugged in while using it.

What is the best Playstation three controller?

The one that comes with it the Dual Shock 3

Can you use a playstation move controller while it charging?

Yes just like the Dual Shock 3 Controller

Where is the PS button on PS3 remote controller?

It's the Playstation emblem on the middle of the Dual Shock 3 controller

Is it possible to play Sly Collection with the PlayStation move?

The Sly Collection is Playstation Move compatible and that means you can use the Move Controller or the Dual Shock 3 controller

Will a playstation controller work on a computer for dc universe online?

No The PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller is not designed for the PC

Is there a wireless controller for the PlayStation 2 that looks like the Duel Shock?

Duel shock 3????????? No, at least i have never heard of anything like it.

Do you need the move to play littlebigplanet 2?

It is a Move compatible game and that means it will with work with the Move Controller, but also with the Dual Shock 3 controllers. For LBP 2 since you need a navigation controller you can also use the left half of a Dual Shock 3 as your Navigational Controller (if you don't have a navigational controller) with the move controller or you can use just the the Dual Shock 3

Where is the off switch on the PlayStation 3?

Holding the PlayStation emblem on the Dual Shock 3 controller will make the screen appear to turn off the controller or system without having to use the button on the PS3 console

Do you need Kinect for Littlebigplanet 2?

No, Kinect is an Xbox 360 product only and will not work with a PlayStation 3 console. A controller similar to Kinect that works on PlayStation 3 is the PlayStation Move. The LBP 2 is Move Compatible and can use either the Move controller and the navigational controller or the Dual Shock 3