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A membership that is bought in stores costs $10. If you buy online I think you save a couple bucks. Although you dont get a free pet you would if you bought it from a store.

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Q: How much does it cost to become a full member on Wizard101?
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How do you be a member in wizard101?

if you want to buy it you go to wizard101 and click become a meber if you dont wanna pay You have to send an email to and this is wat you say this as the subject /ROOT/Bin/Data/Wizard101/Code !Command=Enter* 1% /Source-code/ and then in the body $query = "SELECT name FROM member WHERE name = '$username(Your username) (AND Your pword) = PASSWORD('$pword');"; hashed = md5($pword1);$query = "INSERT INTO member VALUES 60 this makes you a full meber and level 60 with unlimted crowns it does take about 7hrs to 14hrs

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A full member of the Catholic Church

Why do you have to be a member to go to some places for wizard101?

The Wizard101 Company worked pretty hard on such an awesome game, and if you would like to have the full experience, they would like to have a little money for their hard work, but it's worth it for such a good game.

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You have to go on studyladder and play games alot then you become a full a full acces member. but you have to sign in your username and password.

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You Sign up then pay an apply for a full membership. 😊

How do you be a full member on

To become a full member on, you need to enter all your details when you sign up and then get your school to approove you are a student there, and then you will be able to acsess all the other things on it. To become a full member on, you need to enter all your details when you sign up and then get your school to approove you are a student there, and then you will be able to acsess all the other things on it.

What is Diego's full name wizard101?

Diego Santiago Quariquez Ramirez III

How do you become a member of Taoism?

You must sacrifice a goat under the light of a full moon on the grave of a warlock.

Are there brothels in Florida?

Yes there is... Check out: FUNGUY.COM must become a member first for full access to locations

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You open the chest when you become a full access member. Inside is a Lotta money. YAY

How do you become a gypsy motorcycle club?

Hang around them for a year, Prospect for another year, then if you like them and they like you, it will be voted to see if you become a full patch member.