Since World at War,Nazi Zombie's Pack-A-Punchmachine has cost 5000 points.(1000 if you kill the pentagon thief before he gets anyone in "Five")
Verruckt does not have the Pack-A-Punch machine only Der Riese and the Black Ops Zombie Maps (excluding Dead Ops Arcade) have the Pack-A-Punch machine.
When you Pack-a-punch the Olympia in Call of Duty: Black Ops, It becomes "Hades". This gives the Olympia More power, more range, and incindiary/ Dragon's Breath rounds, along with the pack-a-punch camo.
It means you can upgrade your guns.
yes there is but u need pack-a-punch money
you can't as of such but is you pack a punch it it has a blue look.
no you cannot... However in the map Dead Ops Arcade the death machine is pack a punched when you attain it...
Only in black ops zombies. You have to find a pack-a-punch machine to do that. There is one in the theater on the balcony.
If you pack-a-punch a gun it wont be crappy
Well it depends on what map but on kino der toten you get pack a punch by well 1st you have to get 5000 points then go to the theater then use the teleporter then right behind will see pack a punch
It shows the pack a punch machine has moved