Umm. I'm not really sure cats even eat corn. But if your cat does than go and consolt your vet. (I don't recommend it)
If your cat has consumed human meds,go to the vet. Go to the vet ASAP.
Go to a vet.
go to a vet
Yes. Cats go in places they can bury their 'dirt' as often as they can, so it will get the picture if you show it to them.
depending where you go to the vet they usally just dissolve
Male cats (not neutered) run away because they are looking for female cats - they will go where they can find them, food and no dogs. A friend that used to work for a vet told me that in most cities - cats dont stray more than a mile or two from where they left before they find someone that will feed them - UNLESS they find a group of feral cats to take up with - so check around the back alleys near your house - you might find your cat.
People dont go to the vet!! Duhhh Only animals do! ~Charlie:)
well it depends where you are at. my cats go to an all girl animal hospital and they are great!
Talk to your vet about this.
They do not need to go on annual vet visits like dogs or cats, but when they do get sick they need medical attention, and with some illnesses, they need to get a vet very quickly because they can go downhill very quickly.
once a month