After you've found Captain Linebeck, hit a switch with your sword and the spikes trapping Linebeck will go down.
haw to get to belom
basicly yes, but first once you get the phantom sword go to where you found the last sea chart in temple of ocean king {you can now kill phantoms with phantom sword} and bellum squid form is there. beat him then oshus will teleport you onto the SS Linebeck. he heals tetra then bellum comes through the roof and grabs tetra, he is on the ghost ship, sink it then board it, when you get on the g. ship, bellum will grab linebeck with his tentacles, the blue thing on bellums body attaches to linebeck, takes over linebeck, and you get to fight bellum AND linebeck
If you're talking about when Linebeck hides in a crate when Jolene attacks, just go over close to the crate.
He is at the bottom of the ocean king temple thingy. When you defeat him there you will face him again on the ghost ship, where he (Warning! Spoiler ahead!) possesses Linebeck.
He's a guy that wants the only mermaid in phantom hourglass then travels around in the seas
Well one day sailing you just come across her.
You get to run around and have more antics with linebeck and such, you also get the chance to beat the game again because the wrecked ghost ship is still there
phantom hourglass is released in 2007.
You have to get up close to it. Then, Linebeck will say something. After that, you have to take the cannon and go around the island and shoot the cannon at the ice until all of the ice is gone.
There is no windwaker. The windwaker is in the windwaker, the phantom hourglass is the key item in phantom hourglass
Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to Wind Waker and has the same Link. He is not much older than in Wind Waker.