This cross-references to the Marlin 101 which was made from 1941 to 1977. However, in 1961 Sears discontinued use of the JC Higgins name, so your gun was made between 1941 and 1960. I saw a JCH-41 in exellant condition with 2 mags at he Puyallup, WA Gun Show with a price tag of $130.00 J.C. Higgins model 41 is a single shot bolt action 22 rimfire rifle, made by marlin. I bought mine brand new via the catalog in 1963. It was my first gun,I was 13 years old and worked all summer to get the money to buy it,and it cost $13.95.Don't know what they might be worth now,but I would not take a million dollars for mine.Mine shoots great and is very accurate if.
The J C Higgins model 41 /103 19770 Was made by Marlin Firearms.1959 .103 is the Sears vendor code for Marlin .The model 41 is the same as the the Marlin Glenfield model 10. These are very nice little rifles that are well known for accuracy.
50-1000 usd
100-1000 USD or so
100-1000 or more depending on specifics of what you have.
41 years old
41 yrs old
The Remington Model 41 Targetmaster was produced from 1936 to 1939 with 306,880 rifles being assembled. Mint condition would be valued at around $300.00
US model Trish Goff is 41 years old (birthdate: June 8, 1976).
200-1000 USD
They were made from 1936-1941, few after 1939. Value depends on condition.
Send me your email for a scan of the model 41 manual.