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nothing is actually mentioned about their height but i know Axel is the tallest and Xions the smallest

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Q: How tall are the members of Organization XIII?
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Who are the members of Organization XIII?

The members of Organization XIII are:XemnasXigbarXaldinVexenLexaeusZexionSaïxAxelDemyxLuxordMarluxiaLarxeneRoxasXion~By MapleLeaf~

What games do you see the human forms of Organization XIII's members in?

The human forms of Organization XIII's members appear in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for the PSP.

Did Organization XIII exist during the first Kingdom Hearts?

Organization XIII's members definitely existed at this point, but the name 'Organization XIII' probably wasn't created until the time of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories when Roxas joined, making thirteen members altogether. We know, because of the events in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, that the members of the organization were mobilized, but "Organization XIII" in specific might not have been established.

Who is the shortest Organization XIII member?

I believe it would be Xion, but if your going by the 13 organization members, it would be Roxas.

How old are the members of organization XIII?

they hav no age they are immortal Roxas and Xion are 15

What Organization XIII members are playable in Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days?

All of them.

Can you get Organization XIII members in Sims 1?

maybe i dont know yet never tried yet

How can you fight Organization XIII members you defeated on Kingdom Hearts 1?

No because you haven't fought any members of Organization XIII in Kingdom Hearts 1, you haven't even seen a Nobody yet. In Kingdm Hearts 1 all of your enemies are either human or Heartless.

Why does king mickey wear organisations clothes?

King Mickey and Riku wears Organization clothes because so the Organization XIII think that there members of there Organization XIII and DiZ gives them Organization clothes to help them on there journey on the ending of Kingdom Hearts RE:Chian in Riku's Story Mode.

Why is Organization XIII called Organization XIII when it has fourteen members?

Organization XIII got its name because it contains thirteen members. Although Xion is known as No. XIV (14), she is not a Nobody; she is a clone that was created from Sora's leaked memories during the events of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Xemnas and Saix never considered her a real Organization member. She is more of a puppet meant to absorb the Keyblade's power.-Hope this clears up all of the confusion!-RoxasDive

What is the name of all the organization XIII in kindgomhearts 2?

it is still called organization xiii

Where can you find images of all Organization XIII members' weapons from Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days?

google images