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Q: How tall is sigma from megaman x?
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Who last boss on Megaman x?

sigma comes in and makes his dog fight megaman. after mega destroys the dog sigma will appear and use a light saber to fight X. after beating sigma he'll turn into a huge robot that resembles his dog. You must get on his hands and shoot his head with preferably water shield whih does good damage angainst him.

What is the best megaman game?

To tell the truth, they are all the same and have the same format: Defeat 8 robot masters Conquer Sigma/Wily's Fortress Defeat Dr.Wily/Sigma So there ya have it. Only Megaman 1 has 6 Masters instead of 8.

Is Megaman X7 in megaman X collection?

I want to know if Megaman X7 is in Megaman X collection no it is not i own the game and it is not in the game the one that is is the megaman x 1-6 and the unlockable megaman battle and chase racing game

Is Megaman Megaman X if so or not can anyone provide the source link?

megaman x and megaman are different, check wikipedia or many of the other pages on the net

Is megaman the same robot as megaman X?

No. Megaman X is just a future robot made by Dr. Light that's design was based off of the original Megaman.

Does zero face x in the Megaman x series?

zero faced x in megaman x2 if u didn't collect the zero parts and in megaman x5

How do you download megaman x5 trainer?

my megaman x 5 my very game

Does Megaman x command mission take place after or before Megaman x 8?

I think Command Mission actually takes place before Megaman x7 with the introduction of Axl

How do you beat sigma in Megaman x 3?

very very carefully, it takes skill and patience, his weakness in his first form is frost shield or spinning blade. in his second form its the z saber or the charged buster shot

How do you get the Hadouken in the Megaman X iPhone app?

To achieve the goal of getting Hadouken in the Megaman X iPhone version simply beat all 8 robot masters.[WARNING]*SPOILER ALERT* Defeat Sigma's Pet,Vanguarder,Sigma,and Sigma's Final Form.Go back to each robot master stage and get every single secret capsule there is on the related link. Now after all this, go to Armored Armadillo's stage. Ride the carts to the huge rocky ledge after the second cart. Wall climb up to the top. Do this four times. Finally,the fifth time go back and you will find your capsule for Hadouken.

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Does zero of the Megaman zero series become the zero in Megaman X?

its actually the reverse. In the Megaman X series zero can either be sealed away into a capsule or the series continues as normal. The capsule ending signals the beginning of the megaman Zero series.