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no but soon we will get free credits

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Q: I need some new Buildabearville store credits. Does anyone have some?
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Related questions

How do you fly on buildabearville?

You need credits for rides.

How do you get a beach house on Build-a-Bearville?

well, you need buildabearville outfitters credits the house is 10 credits ad the patio is 3 credits,so thanks for reading it!

Do you need a code for store credits?

Yes you do. What you have too do is buy things for your bear at your local build a bear workshop store and when you get a recipt you can look at the bottom of the recipt and there is a code . You go on your buildabearville acount and click on the build a bear workshop store and click on the bear at the desk and click Enter recipt code. Or you can also become a V.I.B and get 5 store credits each month .

How do you get bear boutique credits for buildabearville Do you get them when you buy clothes for your buildabear Please answer?

You need to buy real stuff at the local build a bear workshop store to get the credits.there is a code on your reciept.It will help you get a credit. Go to for details.

Does anyone have a welcome pass they do not need?

can i have a buildabearville code i need the snowy bear the one that is white and has blue snow flakes on it please and thank you

What is the code for minimizer on poptropica?

you don`t need any code... you need to buy the minimizer.

What code is for a receipt codes?

I receipt code in buildabearville is bear credits that you get. To get the bear credits, you need to have a purchase at buildabear and at the bottom of your receipt there will be a code. That code lets you buy exclusive item in bearoutfitters, in buildabear. Thanks for reading this! Sincerely, Gillian Hinkle

What is a receipt code for Build-a-Bearville?

I receipt code in buildabearville is bear credits that you get. To get the bear credits, you need to have a purchase at buildabear and at the bottom of your receipt there will be a code. That code lets you buy exclusive item in bearoutfitters, in buildabear. Thanks for reading this! Sincerely, Gillian Hinkle

Does anyone have buildabearville account with a furry friend and need your email address?

Someone giving away their account would be illegal. You have to buy a pet in order to get one.

How do people get store credits on build a bearville?

Well you will need a build a bear from the store (not in build a bear ville, the real store), and when you enter the code and such and such-from the paper they give you-and make your person and all that you will get store credits and to get more you have to get another bear

Is there anyone out there that doesn't need their buildabearville bear password anymore if there is and you would like to give it away send it to

well it is but you have to work their or your the child of the person that works their

You really need a store credits code mine did not work?

I'll make a deal with the people that read this: if you have store credit codes that you've used email them to me and i will email you codes that add up to 14 store credits!!!email to: how many store credits are on your codeit's a good deal admitt it!!!