The Unarmed weapon can be purchased at the Upgrade shop in Battleon. You need to be a member to purchase it. :)
That's an opinion. (this is another person) the coolest AQworlds weapon for me is ungodly reavers of nulgath
The most expensive weapon in AQworlds is blade of affliction which costs 1.5 million gold!
you cant
Unfortunately, you have to have a weapon.
The maximum level you can enhance your weapon to in AQWorlds is currently 35 I think. (You have to unlock the higher enhancings by leveling up.)
yulgar, battleon, EVERYWHERE!
kill him
vindecator of they
There isn't one
artix non4m
You have to be a member and then buy the "weapon" called Unarmed from Upgrade Only shop button in Battleon.