These awards are given to you through out your battle example.
Tank Buster: For you blew up the most tanks.
Dead Eye: Is for the most accurate player.
Camper: Is the award given to the player who stays in one spot for a lond period of time.
Bantha Fodder: Is awarded to the player who died the most.
Public Enemy: Is awarded to the player who got the most kills in a lifetime.
Killing Spree: Is awarded to the player that has the most kills.
Survivalist: Is who had less than 10% health and got revived back to full.
Traitor: Is given to the player who killed the most of his teammates.
Bait: Is awarded to the player that you killed the most.
Nemesis: Is awarded to the player that killed you the most during the game.
general and for awards legendary
They just came out with the Battlefront Elite
Star Wars Battlefront 2
if you mean which star wars battlefront game has the coruscant map it is star wars battlefront 2.
star wars battlefront 2
ME! (Almost everyone does because star wars battlefront 2 has better graphics and it's got heaps of things that star wars battlefront 1 doesn't have).
Yes Star Wars Battlefront is Multiplayer for the PC.
Star Wars Battlefront [DICE] A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 3 is being made by DICE who are the creaters of the Battlefield franchise.
no only in the second battlefront
On Star Wars Battlefront 1, you can not get a lightsaber. However, you can play as a Jedi or a Sith on Star Wars Battlefront 2, Renegade Squadron, and Elite Squadron.
Star Wars Battlefront III was cancelled in 2015.