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The first star is on top of the Snow Man's head(use the penguin to go across)-if not he'll blow u away and the cap will come off your head. I forgot the other but theres a big boulder boss on an ice platform to the right(going to the snowman)-hit him in the ice-cold-lava(if u touch it you'll burn). Find an igloo while going to the Snowman's head(where you get the koopa shell) the(i forgot the name of it- most of the time you'll see 3 coming out), what you shall do is to get up on the platform there coming from the igloo is near by it. Or use the koopa shell to get there faster with the shortcut. And theres a Star is frozen to the left when you enter use Yoshi's flame to get it out(powerup) and then theres the red coins and 100 coins, i forgot the rest. I AM SORRY TO REPORT THAT THIS IS THE STARS LOCATION FOR STAGE 10 SNOWMANS LAND. SADLY NOT ALL STARS ARE INCLUDED. BUT IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE ON THE STAGE, HERE IS SOME TIPS at the cabin, there is a penguin by a pool of frozen water. break it with wario's ground pound because it contains the switch star case. also around there, there is a tree and if climb up and down it, a owl will come out. he is really helpfull and will give you a ride. P.S. ice cold lava? give me a break. sub-zero water more like.

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Q: In Super Mario 64 DS how do you get the stars from cool cool mountain?
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