You will need to either kill Tenpenny, or the Ghouls' leader. You can also have the two groups make peace, but there will be some unforseen consequences...
if you mean tenpenny tower, you can't, you can only get the penthouse suite.
Go to your house in either Megaton or Tenpenny Tower. There you have a special container for Bobbleheads.
Nope. I hope the suite room in Tenpenny tower was worth it.
It can be found in her suite in Tenpenny Tower. The letter is on her desk. The letter admits of an affair she is having with Edgar Wellington II, a notable Tenpenny resident.
you see them around the wasteland and in places such as tenpenny tower or megaton (also big town but you need to do a quest first)
On your first visit to megaton if you go into the pub and talk to the man in the nice suit he'll make an offer with you. Accept his offer to blow up megaton and he'll mark it on your map. Tenpenny tower is just beyond the robco factory
Yes. The ghoul mask You can get this mask by completing the Tenpenny Tower quest via helping the Ghouls
What you have to do is if you own a house in Megaton than you go to Moira Brown at Craterside supply and you can buy themes or objects from her. I do not know how you do this if you own a room at tenpenny tower.
Yes in fact it does! The same exact thing goes for Mr. Tenpenny. Wait until after you save Megaton though. Kill them both on the outside balcony of Tenpenny Tower. This keeps the Megaton settlers from attacking you, and if you are on the balcony it will keep anyone that's at Tennpenny Tower from attacking you.
Combat Shotgun on Fallout 3if the time is low one of the tenpenny tower resedents has one slice his neck open :D and take it you probaly want to my more ammo from morea at megaton he only has 10 shells!
There is a traveling salesman named Tinker Joe near the Robco building near Tenpenny Tower. it's name is Sergent RL-3 but you can only buy it if your karma level is neutral.
no the only way to get good karma is to let the residents of tenpenny tower and the ghouls live together. this is done by talking to alot of people. the only good thing is i sudjest that u let roy Phillips in so that u get the ghoul mask. makes it where ferals wont attack you from a certain distant.