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tunnel number 4

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Q: In fossil fighters where in the rivet ravine secret tunnels do you find o'mel?
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Where is a triceratops fossil in fossil fighters?

he's in the moles secret tunnel in rivet ravine

How do you get a brachio on fossil fighters?

Brachio is in the Secret Tunnel in Rivet Ravine.

How do you get brachiosaurus in fossil fighters?

You can find him at the end of the secret tunnel in Rivet Ravine.

Fossil fighters where is the secret tunnel 4?

Go in rivet ravine and you'll see it

Where is secret tunnel at rivet ravine in fossil fighters?

It's in there somewere in tunnel 4

Were is the brachio fossil in fossil fighters?

moles secret tunnel, in rivet ravine--tunnel #2 or #4 it's most often in the 2nd tunnel.

What dig site has the Brachiosaurs head in fossil fighters?

It's in the moles secret tunnel,you'll find it in rivet ravine in the mines.

Where do you find number one hundred fossil on fossil fighters?

u find it in the moles secret tunel rivit ravine to get there go to tunnel#4and find the ladder

Where are the fragments on fossil fighters?

The idol fragments are in Greenhorn Plains, Knotwood Forest, Rivet Ravine, Bottomsup Bay, and Mt. Lavaflow... and Secret Island.

When do you find the triceratops head in fossil fighters?

You can get the Tricera head fossil when the Secret Tunnel becomes available. Keep talking to the Info Clerk in the fossil guild. When he mentions "mysterious holes appearing in Rivet Ravine," that means the entrance to the Secret Tunnel is open.

Where can you get brachio in fossil fighters?

just email me and ill tell u where and the codes to get it i know all cheats for fossil fighters...... exept for getting an ammonite fossil

How do you get tricera on fossil fighters?

I don't really know... Just unlock all the dig sites, see if you can find it or try the can find it in the secret tunnel at rivet ravine