

Best Answer
More common answer:The usual answer is that you don't have your house upgraded enough. You have to have our house fully upgraded.

You must have seen all of their heart events

Must have maximum heart color (red)

Must have maximum house size

Must have maximum bed size

May need other shopping mall items

Must see all heart events

Must be carrying marriage item (blue feather) is to the guides for harvest moon

Harvest moon back to nature is not officially for the PSP, you are using a rom, so next time just put "Harvest moon back to nature", sorry for being stuck up, means its a truth

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Q: In harvest moon back to nature I want to get married to Karen She has a big red heart but tells me she doesn't have any plans like that yet What could be the problem?
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Can you have a baby in harvest moon back to nature for girl?

No. The game ends right after you get married. So you don't ever get the chance to have a child.

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Just wait until your wife feels sick. then go to the clinic and you will find out that your wife is pregnant

When do you get married on harvest moon back to nature?

One week after you give your girl the blue feather. You get the blue feather after taking a girl to orange heart level.

How do you marry the spring goddess in harvest moon back to nature?

You cannot marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Your options are Ann, Elli, Mary, Karen, and Popuri. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.

How do you get married with gray harvest moon back to nature?

you give him items until you get an orange heart when u get the orange heart you can then get the clue feather (buy it from supermarket) and when gray has a full red heart give him the feather and he will marry you same with everyone else

Where can i get the metal ore in harvest moon back to nature?

In the mine behind the waterfall/harvest goddess pond

In harvest moon back to nature how to get married for girl?

Get a girl to an orange heart and the bluefeather will become available at the supermarket. Buy the bluefeather and give it to the girl you want to marry when she gets up to a red heart and you'll be married a week later. FYI, you'll miss a whole day's work on your wedding day so...harvest sprites.

What is the least common color found in nature?

Harvest gold

In harvest moon back to nature for girls how to you get married to gray?

first, you need to experience all the heart events.. you can speed it up by giving him the things he likes like ores, curry and eggs.

Can you have babies in harvest moon back to nature when you are a boy?

If your character gets married then yes, you can have one child.But for girls version no think about it if yes it will be hard when your pregnant and you need to feed your baby in the mornings

When does duke ask for help in harvest moon?

in harvest moon back to nature he asks help 14th day of fall