First of all, you need two dogs. One female, one male obviously.Next, the dogs need to get to know each other and become friends. If they dislike each other, they accept your command. The quickest way of doing this is to hold shift+control+c at the same time (not the +) to open the cheat window. Then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
If you enter the cheat when your are in a family, you must then leave the house and go into the neighbour for it to be activated. Or you can enter the cheat before you enter the household. Now you need to go into both of the dogs friends list and find the other dog. Drage both of the lines up until they are fully green. Do that for each of them.
After that, choose a sim that is very close to one of the dogs. You may have to do the same thing for the sim and the dog. Once they are friends, go onto the sim and click on the dog that they are friends with. Find Woohoo with... and click on it. It might something different, but it should be similar. Choose the other dog. For them to woohoo, they need a proper kennel, so give them the big kennel that looks a bit like a dog castle/house. To make sure they are following your command, follow the dogs to the kennel. If they enter the kennel, sparks will fly in the air. This shows that are woohooing. The female should then be pregnant.
Hope I helped.
Two pets raring to breed slip into the nearest available pet house and WooHoo with the customary pyrotechnics and bystander reactions. Pet breeding is always successful and the gestation period for all pets is two days. The number of puppies/kittens is random 1 to 4 but if you already have 5 pets, you will only get 1 since no household can have more than 6 pets. Also, you can only have 10 inhabitants per householdpeople and pets.
No, elder Sims can not get pregnant.
you can't
Children can not get pregnant.
no, impossible and impossible only on computer
You actually can not get a Sim pregnant in Sims 2 Pets.
Two to three days approximately. :)
On Sims 2 Pets to make the pets have a baby you need to buy a dog house and get two dogs to like each other then click on the dog and it will say breed and then you click then you click breed with so and so [the other dog] then youll need to turn the sound on and if it plays a beautiful little tune then the Female dog is Pregnant.
no it is impossible, you can only make adults (18+) pregnant
you have to get married then there is an option to make a baby
no you can only be pregnant in sims 2 and sims 3
I think 2 to 3 days. You will not see the dog psychically change however.
No there is not a cheat to make a sim pregnate on the sims 2 for ps2