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Don't worry, if your Sim is pregnant and is being sick, it simply has morning sickness.

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Q: In sims 2 the PC game what does it mean if your pregnant sim is sick twice?
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you are sick

If you are sick during pregnancy what does that mean?

If you are sick while pregnant it does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with the baby, it can just mean that you are just suffering from a regular sickness.

What does it mean if i have started to bleed feel sick and lightheaded with some i pregnant?

These are symptoms of being pregnant. You could also be sick. You may want to take a pregnancy test.

Can feeling sick at night mean you are pregnant?

It could, but it could also mean you ate a bad cheeseburger.

Lately I have felt so sick and nauseated my back hurts i have gas and I'm late on my period what does this mean?

Pregnant. Pregnant.

If you feel sick while eatting dose that mean you can be pregnant?

Only if you have had unprotected sex. Could be a flu bug.

If you always get sick when pregnant and your not this time does it mean miscarriage?

No every pregnancy is different so you are just lucky this time.

What is the sick cat game?

There is no sick cat game

What can happen if you are sick more than twice?

You can die after 24 hours, be careful and try not to be sick more than twice. Hold it in, just please.

Can you be fired for calling in sick twice I called in sick twice within a month and a half of my new job and they fired me I was very sick both times?

You can be fired for calling sick twice within a month and a half at your new job even if you were very ill. Every company has their own policy that must be followed

What does it mean if you are getting signs of pregnancy like feeling sick all the time and are late on your period but the pregnancy test is negative?

then you are not pregnant you hear me if you are you are just a sick little girl or meget gal

Can you get pregnant when your sick with a cough?

Yes, you certainly can.