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Q: In the Minecraft Mod Called Dragon Block C there's a biome called Other World which spawns in the Overworld full of horrible looking yellow clouds how would i stop this biome from spawning?
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Minecraft originally came out with spawn eggs in a pre-release - 11w49a. The update was for Minecraft 1.1, in case you are looking for an actual Minecraft update release.

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YOU WILL DIE A HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE DEATH. probably from scratches. YOU WILL DIE A HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE DEATH. probably from scratches. YOU WILL DIE A HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE DEATH. probably from scratches.

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It might be a problem with your mouse. Either that or there is a hardware compatibility issue with minecraft.

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If you're looking for the Minecraft official store, I have linked it in the related links section of this question.

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try searching minecraft sites. not basic information sites.

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me, i'm looking to buy some now, but there all horrible:(

Will minecraft be coming out on the wii?

maybe they can make minecraft wii or wii U but you will need a nunchuk and wii remote B is to hold and throw away stuff as the sensor up down left right button can be to to move the camera and to switch as + and - too 1 is for spawning anything for creative mode even 2 for flying A is to jump and now for the nunchuk controls the circle is for moving C is for picking stuff up and defeating enemies and Z is for laying stuff down so those are the controls for minecraft wii and the problem is to get additional buttons but now its solved or they can use the xbox looking control to work

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