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If you mean a person Sim that you got by downloading, then, if you want you can delete the download and the Sim will leave the game. If you mean a Sims game (ie: expansion packs) then you can. But be careful, the entire Sims game will be lost.

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Q: In the sims 2 once you install the sim into the game can you delete it from the downloads folder?
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Go to - My Documents -Ea Games -The Sims 2 Delete the entire The Sims 2 folder. Then go to your game. The game will automatically create a new The Sims 2 folder. If you have custom content installed and don't want to delete it, before you delete The Sims 2 folder, move the Downloads folder to Desktop, delete The Sims 2 folder, go into your game, then exit out of it and move the Downloads folder back into The Sims 2 folder.

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yeah. you can search for the file in your downloads folder and delete it or delete it in game

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When you install the game, there are 2 parts: The installation data, and the game data. If you need to free up some space, you can delete the installation data. If you dont want the game, delete the Game Data. The installation data is typically in your Downloads folder. The game data is typically saved in C:\Riot Games.

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You should find the folder where your downloads are stored. If you are using any of the windows OS you probably specified the Download folder for all your downloads or you did not set it and in this case you are asked where you want the files to be stored when downloaded. But as most of us have the download folder set you probably also have it. Find that folder where all your downloads are stored and there will be the Desktop Destroyer. The best thing is that you do not have to install the game. When you find the Desktop Destroyer file that you download it you just start it and play. I love Desktop Destroyer :)

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Plop it in your downloads folder. Find the sign with the horse on it from the package in the game, click it, and purchase either a male or female horse.

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Go to and go to the Downloads (Official) page, then click on Impressive Title Game setup. When that is done downloading, click on it in your downloads folder, and install & register, then you're ready to go. Hope this helps!

Sims 2 downloads?

downloads for the sims 2 are great. you can find many on and on all you need to do is unzip the files and put them in a downloads folder in your game.

I just downloaded stuff for Sims 1 Deluxe how do I put it on my game?

You put your downloads in your Sims/ Downloads folder. Make sure you have all expansions required or your game may crash.

How do you install downloads to sims 2?

the first thing you need is to download WinRAR, it's a free program so you don't have to worry about paying. the next thing you'll want to do is go into Documents/EA games/The Sims 2/ and add a new folder called "downloads" when you save the items you wish to download into the game, put it in that folder. when you are done saving everything, go into the folder and select the files (they should look like a stack of books) right click and select "Extract here" after it is done you can delete the "stack of books" when you start your game again, a message will pop up saying you have new installed content, make sure you select the box that says you want to keep the content in your game. restart the game and all your downloaded content will be in your game.