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Unfortunately it is not. So far all the POP games have come out single player

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It has been said to have co-op but they haven't released much about online play or 4-player yet but I hope they do have online play!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. Assassins Creed and Assassins Creed 2 are strictly single player. No split-screen, no multiplayer. Sorry for the inconvienience

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Q: Is Assassins Creed 2 a two player game?
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Two player, no. Multiplayer, yes.

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No, no and yes. The first two Assassins Creed's are not online. But the newest one, on Xbox 360 and PlayStation3, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, is online where you can assassinate online people while they try and assassinate you. So this answer depends on which Assassins Creed you are talking about.

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if you are a good player you can finish in two days. you can play it for four days.

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Assassins Creed was based on true events. Templars were real, and there were a group of assassins called the Hashshashin. But if those two did actually have conflict between them, im not sure. Although I do wish it was real, because it is such an amazing storyline. -Vikki Stephan (:

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no because assassins creed one is inferior and extremely boring and might make you be wary of buying assassins creed 2 which is amazing

What do you do with the apple of Eden in assassins creed two?

you finish the story.

Video games that start with a?

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How do you pass assassins creed two when you turn into altiar and how do you clime up the building?

yes you can just climb because I beated the game