No. The first Guitar Hero game for the Wii was Guitar Hero III.
No, Gamecube Is from Nintendo and The PS2 is From Sony.
YES No, none of the guitar hero games were released for gamecube.
no. guitar hero 2 is just a better version of guitar hero 1.
No, there is not. Guitar Hero (the original) only came out for the PlayStation 2, and Guitar Hero 2 came out for the PlayStation 2 and XBOX 360.
Guitar Hero 2 guitars are the same as the Guitar Hero 1 guitars, so they work with guitar hero 1 and 2. If they are for the same system as Guitar Hero 3, then they will work. But that would only be with the PS2 and Xbox.
guitar hero guitar hero 2 guitar hero rock the 80's guitar hero 3 guitar hero aerosmith guitar hero world tour guitar hero mettalica guitar hero 5 guitar hero van halen dj hero band hero
if it is a wii game or gamecube game then I don't c why not.
Guitar Hero 2.
Guitar Hero 2 Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero 1, Guitar Hero Rock the 80s, Guitar Hero 2, Guitar Hero 3, Guitar Hero World Tour, Guitar Hero Metallica, Guitar Hero Smash Hits, Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero Van Halen
yes, guitar hero, guitar hero rocks the 80s, guitar hero 2, guitar hero aerosmith, guitar hero 3, and guitar hero world tour. those r in chronological order.